Monday, March 17, 2008

Your Hero

Who is your role model or modern day hero? What influence did he/she made in your life? Please explain your answer.


noushy syah said...

Unfortunately I don't have any..

May I suggest you to put your comment as pop-up,more convenience to comment..

p/s May I know who is your hero then?

THanks Mel.Have a gr8 day and God bless you and family always.Take care.

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Hi Noushy,
It's unfortunate that you don't have any. For me, my real hero or role model is Jesus Christ. I try as much as possible to live my life in accordance to His will. My human hero or role model is Mahatma Gnadhi. I like his creed of ahimsa or non violence. He was able to transform his world through peaceful and non violent means. Thanks for your suggestion. Yes I will do that. Thanks for your visit and your comments. God bless you and your loved ones always my dear friend. Have a great day in (still foggy?) London.

Team Arthur said...

Hi Mel, first we can say Jesus is our role hero to follow. He is simply the best of the best. No one's better than Him.

Huge hugs and huge greetings

Sweet Dreams and Nice Day, from the bottom of our Hearts and with our whole souls:
Arthur & Gusthav

Arthur said...

Hi Mel, after choosing Jesus, I can say my hero here in the Earth, in my family is my Mother.

And my TV hero, excellent role model, and the one who I'd like to be like, is none other than CURTIS CREGAN (from American Hi-5), I like the way he sings, plays his guitar and finds the way to make music with any chatter he has in handy.

You know, one third part of me is music.

Big greetings and big hugs

Sweet Dreams, from the bottom of my Heart:

Gusthav said...

Hi Mel, after choosing Jesus, I also say my Parents are my heroes, but that's in my family.

But in TV (or anything else) I choose SHAUN TAYLOR-CORBETT (also from American Hi-5), I like the way he plays with shapes, colors and the imagination. He's very funny to me.

Greetings and hugs

Nice Day, with my whole soul:

Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ is always my hero and nobody else...

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Hi Arthur,
Yes, it's nice to know that we all follow Jesus Christ as our role model. Your earthly role models are your mother and Curtis Cregan. They are excellent role models. May you remain as the examplary person that you are so that someday somebody else, like your son, will choose you as his hero or role model. Thank you so much my young friend for yor excellent point of view. God bless you and your family always.

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Hi Gusthav,
Another excellent hero and role model you chose. But of course, Jesus Christ is our uiltimate role model. Your mother and Shaun make wonderful role models for you. Stay the way you are and be a proud hero or role model of your children when you get married and have children of your own someday. Thanks for your excellent point of view my young friend. God bless you and your family always.

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Hi Tey,
It seems that all of us chose Jesus Christ as our hero and role model. Thanks for your point of view. God bless you and your loved ones always.

ceedy said...

I might sound weird but my current hero is Bill Gates.

One he know he has brains, he knows he weilds power, knows people need his products - so has created a need to siphon money from the worlds privilaged and with his foundation along with his wife is donating huge chunks of money for research and humanitarian needs.

He shows a balance between intellectual greed and power that it can weild and at the same time have a open heart.


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My Purpose In Life

"TO LIVE IN ORDER TO PLEASE GOD" (1 Thessalonians 4:1)

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." (1 Corinthians 10:31)


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