Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Re-Post from Faith and Facts

Girl Selling Virginity Online

natalie-dylan-selling-virginity-300x225 Girl Selling Virginity OnlineNatalie Dylan is selling her virginity via online auction.

The Moonlite Bunny Ranch in Nevada, the brothel that is arranging and hosting the deal, is especially gung-ho about Dylan. “Natalie is a virgin and would like to sell this priceless and rare commodity in a very exclusive and private setting,” says Bunny Ranch owner Dennis Hof.

While any reasonable person should question the commodity’s rarity, more than 10,000 bidders have stepped forward to bid for Dylan’s … ah … purity. If the Bunny Ranch’s owner is to be believed, someone has offered $3.7 million.

What does the feminist community have to say about this outrageous exploitation of this young girl? Not much so far. Searching Google yields only the faintest and infrequent article suggesting that a feminist is uncomfortable with this sexploitation. I, for one, am nearly speechless.

My friend Sarah is a reliable monitor of Feminism from a Christian perspective. She writes,

The lack of moral outrage by feminism doesn’t surprise me as contemporary feminism has discarded the good it once represented in order to promote a completely unfettered lifestyle. Women are free to be exploited themselves, and this is somehow empowering. In fact, I’d go so far as to suggest that by creating a culture where women’s bodies, eggs, and chastity are up for sale, ‘created’ is a pleasant (euphemism) for human trafficking. There is no need for restraint in a world where individuals willingly put a price tag on what is priceless.

What about the FBI? What about the police? Can the FTC do anything? No. No. and No.

Legal experts seem agreed that this is a First Amendment issue. Since prostitution is legal in Nevada, the services may be advertised in areas where it would be illegal so long as the service is performed in a state where it is legal. (I feel a little dirty just writing that sentence.)

One does not have to a prude or a stereotypical Puritan to take offense at this advertisement. Let us call this what it is; Sex for Sale. Whether to pay for college or perform some perverted sociological experiment, tolerating such behavior can only harm future generations of young women.

Tags: Sex For Sale, Sexploitation, Feminine Exploitation, On Line Prostitution, Morals, Depravity, Rights, Freedom, Apostasy, Moral Degeneration, Shameless

Re-posted by Mel Avila Alarilla



Sunday, January 25, 2009

Do You Believe in Evolution?

Do you believe in evolution? Do you believe that man evolved from the apes? Please explain your answer.

Tags: Evolution, Man, Apes, Theory of Evolution, Charles Darwin, Reincarnation, Karma, Species, Survival of the Fittest, Creation, World, Divine Providence

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Do You Believe In Karma?

Do you believe in Karma or the law of cause and effect? If you do, how have it affected your life? If you don't, please explain the reason why not? Please elaborate on your answer.

Tags: Karma, Law of Cause and Effect, Fate, Destiny, Life, Life's Meanings, Reasons For Events in Our Lives, Law of Sowing and Reaping, Rewards and Punishment, Great Equalizer, Justness of Nature, Equilibrium, Balance, Harmony, Equality

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla

Sunday, January 18, 2009

What Is Your Opinion About The Designation Of Hillary Clinton As The Incoming Secretary of State By President Elect Barack Obama?

What is your opinion regarding the designation of Hillary Clinton as the incoming Secretary of State by President elect Barack
Obama? Do you think they can play beautiful music together after their bitter and acrimonious clash for the Democratic presidential nomination? What do you think will be the major foreign policy strategies of the Obama-Clinton tandem? Please explain your answer.

Tags: President Barack Obama, Incoming Secretary of State- Hillary Clinton, USA, Government, Foreign Policy, Fresh Hope, World Affairs, Hot Spots, World Crisis, World Leaders, Middle East, Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, Gaza Strip, Hamas, Palestinians, Lebanon, Somalia, Iran, North Korea, Flash Points

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Is Israel Justified In Occupying Gaza Strip?

Demonstrations Against Continued Israeli Occupation of Gaza Strip

Devastation Brought About By Shelling of Gaza Strip

What is your stand against the continued occupation of Gaza strip by Israeli forces? Is Israel justified in occupying Gaza strip because of the continuous rocket shelling of Israel by the forces of Hamas? How can peace be ultimately achieved in the Middle East? Please explain and elaborate your answer.

Tags: Gaza Strip, Israel, Hamas, Middle East, Jews, Arabs, Palestine, Palestinian, Occupation Forces, Rocket Shelling, Death, Destruction, Innocent Lives, Children, Civilians, Women, Displaced People, Humanitarian Help, Worldview, Peace, War

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Do You Believe In Reincarnation?

Do you believe in reincarnation? Please explain your answer.

Tags: Reincarnation, Metempsychosis, Transmigration, Life After Life, Evolution, Karma, Eastern Beliefs, Eastern Religions, Buddhism, Hinduism, Higher Plains, After Life, Death, Beyond The Grave

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

What Is Your Favorite TV Show?

What is your favorite TV show? Please explain your answer.

Tags: Television, TV, TV Show, News, Late Night Show, Sports, Drama, Serials, Documentary, National Geographic, Discovery, Nickelodeon, Disney Channel, HBO, Cinemax, Star Movies, History, Hallmark, Cartoon Network, ESPN, CNN, BBC, Bloomberg, Local Channels, ABC, NBC, Knowledge Channel

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla

Thursday, January 1, 2009

What Kind of Book/s Do You Read?

What kind of book/s do you read? Please explain your answer for your choice/s.

Tags: The Bible, Novels, Science Fiction, History, Biography, General Knowledge, Celebrities, Children's Books, Comic Books, Guiness Books of World Records, Literature, Poetry, Mythology, Philosophy, Fantasy, Classics, Adventure, Drama, Mystery, Suspense, Horror, Ghost Stories, Feature Articles, Anecdotes

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla


Which One To Choose?

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"TO LIVE IN ORDER TO PLEASE GOD" (1 Thessalonians 4:1)

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." (1 Corinthians 10:31)


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