Sunday, October 5, 2008

Greatest Novel Of All Time

In your opinion, which is the greatest novel of all time? Please explain your answer.

Tags: Greatest Novel of All Time, War and Peace, Anna Karenina, Les Miserables, Count of Monte Cristo, Iliad, A Tale of Two Cities, Moby Dick, Emma, Pride and Prejudice, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Brothers Karamazov, The Godfather, Dracula, To Kill A Mockingbird, The Lost Horizon, Three Musketeers, Treasure Island, The Sun Also Rises, Old Man and The Sea, The Picture of Dorian Grey, Crime and Punishment

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla


Anonymous said...

Most of those novels you had mentioned in your tags are the ones I love the most. Also (which you have not cited), The Catcher in the Rye, Little Women, Wuthering Heights, Divine Comedy, The Scarlet Letter, Of Mice and Men, One Hundred Years of Solitude, Great Expectations, Silas Marner, Grapes of Wrath, Animal Farm, Oliver Twist,Tes of D'Urbervilles, The Return of the Native, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest...I love reading classics over any other bestsellers of today. I am so picky about books and novels of today. I don't read chick-lit.

Sameera Ansari said...

I love many novels from the list you have put up,but something I could read again and again without getting fed up is The Harry Potter series.

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Hi Bingkee,
I cannot put all the classic favorites in the tags since they are too many. But I agree with you. The novels you mentioned are all good reading materials. I really enjoyed reading them all. Thanks for sharing with us your favorite novels. They are really classical masterpieces worth reading over and over again. God bless you and your loved ones always my friend.

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Hi Sameera,
You share that kind of interest with millions all over the world. I think, the Harry Potter series is the most read book in the modern era. I just read that J. K. Rollings is worth $ 300 million in advance payment right now. Wow, that's a lot of money she might not be able to spend in her whole life time. Maybe she can put up a Harry Potter museum to cash in even more on this modern craze. Thanks for your visit and your sharing with us your favorite novel. God bless you and your loved ones always my dear friend.


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