Monday, December 28, 2009

What Is Your New Year's Resolution?

What is your New Year's resolution/s? Could you please share it/them with us?

P.S. Where you able to keep any of your New Year's resolution/s last year? Hehehe, lol.

Tags: New Year's Resolution, Joke Joke Joke, Change, Transformation, Reinventing One's Self, The New You, Radical Change, Change For The Better, Boon To Your Loved Ones, Miracle, Dust In The Wind, Dreaming, Wistful Thinking, The New Me, The New You

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

This Christmas Season, What Acts of Mercy Are You Planning To Do?

In this day and age, there is not much that we can do to change the world and so little we can do to help those who need our help, but in our little sphere of influence, what little act of mercy and kindness can we do on Christmas Day?

Do They Know It's Christmas - Band Aid

Happy Christmas (War Is Over) - John Lennon

Tags: Christmas, Christmas Celebration, Acts of Mercy, Feed The Hungry, Give Drink To The Thirsty, Clothe The Naked, Visit The Sick, Visit The Imprisoned, Share Your Blessings, Give Love On Christmas, Blessings, Joy, Love, Peace, Brotherhood, I Am My Brothers Keeper

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla

Sunday, December 20, 2009

What Was The Most Memorable Gift You Received From Santa Claus?

When you were still a child so full of hope and dreams, what was the most memorable gift you received from Santa Claus? Do you or your spouse still play Santa to your young and innocent children?

Tags: Santa Claus, Christmas, Gifts, Christmas Tree, Children, Reindeers, Sleigh Ride, Snow, Yuletide, Food, Merrymaking, Celebration, Hopes, Joy, Innocence, Imagination , Dreams

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla

Monday, December 14, 2009

What Is Your Greatest Fear In Life?

What is your greatest fear in life? How does this fear affect your life?

Tags: Fear, Death, Loss of Loved One, Robbery, Hold Up, Hell, Bankruptcy, Loss of Job, Separation, Divorce, Marital Infidelity, Rape, Incest, Ridicule, Solitude, Accident, Sickness, Growing Old, Getting Fat, Humiliation, Shame, Discovery of Crime, Unconfessed Sin, Lie, Unfaithfulness, Betrayal, Unknown, Murder, Surgery, Dentist, Vampire, Witchcraft, Occult, Sorcery, Evil Spell, Voodoo, Devil, Discovery, Baldness

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla

Friday, December 11, 2009

How Do You Celebrate Christmas?

How do you celebrate your Christmas? Could you share it with us?

Tags: Christmas, Party, Food, Celebration, Gifts, Santa Claus, Love, Joy, Christmas Spirit, Sharing, Abundance, Snow, Holidays, Yule Season, Christmas Sales, Merry Making, Birth of Jesus Christ

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla

Monday, December 7, 2009

In Our Own Small Way, How Can We Help To Protect Our Planet Against Global Warming?

In our own small way, how can we help protect our planet against global warming? What concrete things can we do to help protect our only planet against global warming?

Tags: Global Warming, Ultra Violet Rays, Global Fuel Emissions, Melting of Polar Caps, Forest Denudation , Over Fishing, Depletion of Our Natural Resources, Greed, Ambition, Power, Apathy, Negligence, Indifference

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla

Thursday, December 3, 2009

What Major Changes Do You Still Want To Effect In Your Life?

In this ever changing world, what major changes do you still want to effect in your life? Do you think you can still achieve them in your lifetime?

Tags: Changes, Changing World, Life, Dreams, Lifetime, Magnificent Obsession, Goals, Aspirations, Regrets, Pinnacle of Life

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla

Friday, November 27, 2009

What Are The Things You Are Thankful For The Lord In Your Life

What are the things you are thankful for the Lord in your life? Could you share them with us?

Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Day, Sumptuous Meal, Abundance, Plenty, Blessings, Prosperity, Good Health, Long Life, Peace, Love, Family, Grace, Eternal Life, Friends, Relatives, Loved Ones, Opportunities, Knowledge, Understanding

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla

Monday, November 23, 2009

Do You Think The Extreme Weather Conditions We Are Experiencing Are Caused By Global Warming?

We only have one world to preserve or destroy



Tropical Storms

Do you think the extreme weather conditions we are experiencing are caused by global warming? How are you personally affected by these erratic and extreme weather conditions?

Tags: Extreme Weather Conditions, Global Warming, Storms, Typhoons, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Cyclones, Blizzards, Fuel Emissions, Tropical Rain Forests, Polar Caps, Sea Level, Ozone Layer, CFCs, Forest Denudation, Over Fishing, Pollution, Industrial Pollution, Industrial Waste, Nuclear Waste, Balance of Nature, Volcanic Eruptions,
Earthquakes, Industrialization, Human Greed, Patrimony

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla

Thursday, November 19, 2009

How Are You Affected By The World Economic Downturn?

How are you affected by the world economic downturn? How do you cope with it?

Tags: Economic Downturn, Recession, Depression, Tight Financial Situation, Credit Crunch, Payment Default, Bankruptcy, Liquidity, Savings, Downsizing, Layoffs, Unemployment, Inflation, Hysteria, Panic, Fear, Stock Market, Bear Market, Hope, Turnaround, Realignment, New World Economic Order, Emergence of New Power Players, Emergence of Asia, China, Japan, USA, Rich Nations, Third World Nations

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla

Monday, November 16, 2009

What Is Your Greatest Fear In Life?

What is your greatest fear in life? How does it affect your behavior in life? Please explain your answer.

Tags: Fear, Phobia, Fear of People, Fear of Rejection, Fear of Crowds, Fear of Heights, Fear of the Future, Fear of Uncertainties, Fear of Being Alone, Fear of Being Unloved, Fear of The Light, Fear of The Night, Fear of Shadows, Fear of Being Loved, Fear of Betrayal, Fear of Punishment, Fear of Being Discovered, Fear of Retribution, Fear of Failure, Fear of Strangers, Fear of Being Manipulated, Fear of Deception, Fear of Death, Fear of Loneliness

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What Is Your Personal Motto In Life?

What is your personal motto in life? How did that motto influence your life? Please explain your answer.

Tags: Motto, Life, Influence, Happiness, Fulfillment, Purpose, Joy, Love, Peace, Meaning, Legacy, Standard, Success, Dreams, Aspirations, Bonds, Family, Wonderful Life

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla

Friday, November 6, 2009

What Was The Happiest Moment In Your Life?

What was the happiest moment in your life? How did it affect your life?

Tags: Happiest Moment, Life, Happiness, Contentment, Satisfaction, Joy, Fulfillment, Exhilaration, Achievements, Success, Recognition, Fame, Fortune, Golden Memories, Magical Moments, Love, Precious Moments, Treasure, Pride

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla

Sunday, November 1, 2009

What Was The Saddest Moment In Your Life?

What is the saddest moment in your life? Please explain its circumstances and how it affected your life.

Tags: Saddest Moment, Life, Death, Betrayal, Loss of Friendship, Loss of Innocence, Incest, Rape, Separation, Drug Abuse, Loss of Face, Loss of Dignity, Disease, Excruciating Pain, Impending Death, Euthanasia, Hidden Guilt, Hidden Crime, Separation From God, Ridicule, Oppression, Discrimination, Slavery, Bigotry, Hatred, Shame, Disorientation, Hoplessness, Despair, Ennui, Boredom

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

(Wonderful Philippines Series # 2) The Great Whale Sharks of Donsol, Philippines- The Gentle Giants

(This is not a paid advertisement)

Welcome to the island paradise of Donsol, Sorsogon, Philippines where you can marvel and interact with the gentle giants of the seaworld- the great whaleshark or as the natives call them- Butanding. They abound in the sea of the tropical island of Donsol where you can rent a boat and diving gears to see this marvel of the great sea as they frolic and have fun in the sunny and balmy sea of Donsol. My friend- Rose Cottrill was born and raised in this tropical island paradise and have seen this marvelous beauty of the seven seas in her entire life in Sorsogon before migrating to the US.

Come to the tropical islands of the Philippines where hospitality is a trait of all Filipinos and where warm smiles are everywhere and where you can see the tarsier, the butanding or whaleshark and countless sights and sounds at very affordable prices. Philippines - Pearl of the Orient Seas, Tropical Paradise of the Pacific.
(This is not a paid advertisement)

Tags: Whaleshark, Butanding, Donsol, Sorsogon, Philippines, Pearl of The Orient, Tropical Paradise of The Pacific, Warm Smiles, Tarsier, Warm Welcome, Very Affordable Prices, Hospitality, Warm and Balmy Sea

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
Great Tourist Destination/Great Vacation

Thursday, October 22, 2009

(Wonderful Philippines Series) Lovable Tarsier- The World's Smallest Primate

Philippine Tarsier, the world's smallest primate found in the province of Bohol in the Philippines. They are so gentle and cuddly and eat insects. They are very tame and gentle but cannot be made pets because they are on the protective list because of the danger of their extinction. They have been around for 45 million years and is one of the oldest known primates to be still living. One of the greatest pride of the Philippines.

Tags: Tarsier, Bohol, Philippines, Smallest Primate, 45 Million Years in Existence, Near Extinction, Lovable, Cuddly, Tame, Gentle, Eats Insects, Commits Suicide When Stressed, Return To The Wild

Wonderful Philippines/Tourist Attraction

Monday, October 19, 2009

What Was The Most Inspirational Event In Your Life?

What was the most inspirational event in your life? Could you please share it with us?

Tags: Inspirational Event, Inspiration, Upliftment, Motivation, Feel Good, Wonderful Life, Wonderful World, Creation, Happiness, Joy, Fulfillment, Meaning of Life, Quest For Life's Meaning, Sharing, Harmony


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What Is The Most Wonderful Birthday Present You Still Want To Receive In Your Life?

What is the most wonderful birthday present you still want to receive in your life?

Tags: Birthday, Birthday Present, Celebration, Happiness, Fulfillment, Joy, Peace, Love, Reunion, Heart's Desire, Prayers, Life


Sunday, October 11, 2009

How Do You Deal With Frustrations?

Do You Beg?

Or Do You Pray?

How do you deal with frustrations in life? What is your greatest frustration in life?

Tags: Frustrations, Opportunities, Fate, Life, Fear, Obstacles, Courage, Faith, Self Confidence, Prayer, Friends, Help, Solace, Strength, Will Power, Purposefulness, Life's Meaning, Direction


Monday, October 5, 2009

What Virtue Would You Still Want To Develop In Your Life?

What virtue/s would you still want to develop in your life? Please explain your reason for your choice.

Tags: Virtue, Patience, Perseverance, Tolerance, Charity, Gentleness, Love, Joy, Peace, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Self Control, Selflessness, Harmony, Unity, Loyalty, Sympathy, Generosity, Honesty



Which One To Choose?

Click here for the answer



My Purpose In Life

"TO LIVE IN ORDER TO PLEASE GOD" (1 Thessalonians 4:1)

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." (1 Corinthians 10:31)


Points of View (Discussion Blog)

This is your blog. I ask the question, you supply the answers. You can give your points of view on the topics discussed here.