Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Are You In Love Right Now?

Are you in love right now? If so, please describe your feelings of being in love. If not, what is your ideal for love? Please explain your answer.

Tags: Love, Relationship, Being In Love, Intense Feelings, Emotions
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla


Sameera Ansari said...

You know my answer to this one,and my feelings about it too :)

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Hi Sameera,
Why so secretive my dear friend? It does not hurt to shout to the whole world that you are madly in love. He, he, he, *lol* Well, I respect your right to privacy and to enjoy in silence the bliss of being in love. I hope your love affair will last a lifetime and beyond. You are just too good and nice to get hurt my dear friend. I pray for the very best for both of you. God bless you and your loved ones always. How I wish I will see one day that you are posting your wedding pictures on your blog. That will be the day that the heaven's gate will open and angels will sing for joy in your glorious wedding. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Anonymous said...

If you wake me up even in my greatest sleep and ask me this question, the reply is instant. Yes.
This is the gratest thing I am very sure of in life. I can doubt if i am a good blogger or not. I can doubt being a bright student.

I can never doubt loving my fiancee.

Even in my busiest days, i think of her every hour. I don't see her for up to 3 hours, I call. I won't let her stress so much with her chores. I make sure I always help. Since I met her, I have never "admired" any other girl. I feel so lifeless and empty when I don't see her for up to three days. When I am wrong, instead of lying, I speak the truth and stand the risk of getting punished (though i ma never punished).

what else can this be called?

Is it not love?

Anonymous said...

Eh! I forgot. I couldn't see the drop button on the EC widget even after refreshing the page.

I pray that is just temporal.

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Hi Uncle Che,
I hope Baby Noela can read your comments. I'm sure she'll feel ecstatic about what you said. Indeed I can remember the song "Love Is A Many Splendored Thing" when I read your comments. You are really madly in love my friend. Well, as they say, love makes the world go round and lovers see the world through a rose colored glass. God bless your relationship with Baby Noela and may your love stand the test of time to last you a lifetime and beyond. Don't mind those Entrecard aberrations. They are just temporary and they'll fix it. Thanks for your visit and interesting comments my friend. God bless you and your loved ones always.

Sameera Ansari said...

Lol I am not at all secretive about it Mel!I just gave a very short answer 'cause you have read many of my posts where I have talked about "us".Thank you so much for the blessings dear friend,I hope the wedding bells ring next year,and may I give you good tidings soon :)

Karla said...

I love my husband very much. Lately we are facing a lot of pressures from life and family.
There are days when I walk around with a silly schoolgirl crush on him, and days when don't feel particularly "in love" with him at all. I believe true love is a choice and the commitment of God's love in us carries us through the tough times...the more I rest in this peace, the fewer tough times we have:-)

j said...

I love my husband. But there are days when I am In Love with him. And there are other days when it is a choice that I make. But the idea of living without him makes my gut wrench and I feel panicked. So love is fickle, it is emotion, but having a life together and knowing it will always be so, is somehow even more gratifying.



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