Sunday, May 18, 2008

Greatest Thinker of All Time

For you, who is the greatest thinker of all time? Explain your answer for your choice.

Tags: Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Emmanuel Kant, Sigmund Freud

Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla


Noushy Syah said...

Wow...initially I tot I've stumbled down to a wrong blog!! I can't stop my mouth saying this...Nice template but at one glanced I tot it's a girlish blog! Don't get offended but I personally think this blog should have more mature character...

That's my honest point of view on this new look of your blog..I mean nothing but a positive criticism.

Take care Mel.Keep smiling.

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Hi Noushy,
That's okay. I take all criticisms. I have to change the template and I am limited by my lack of computer knowhow, so I have to make do with whatever materials I have. Thanks for your honest point of view. God bless you and your loved ones always.

ceedy said...

I am not sure if one is greater than the other...each of the person you mentioned has given a significant contribution....

for me all such people are inspirations....

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Hi Ceedy,
Yes, each great thinker has his own distinct contribution in his own time. Thanks for your valid point of view. God bless.

SandraJ said...

Einstein, because in my opinion he has had more of an impact on our civilization with his theory of relativity. I am not a scientist, but I love applying the concept of relativity to everday life. Is it relative to the desired outcome, is it not relative to the desired outcome, how significant is the relevance, etc. Probably not what he intended, but I still credit him with the concept nonetheless.

Anonymous said...

I dont think this blog's template is girlish visit my blogssss and those are soooo girlish..lols..

Anyway I think Einstein is the greatest thinker of all...Don't know, siguro kasi hanga ako sa magaling sa Math...heheheh.. althoug they are all good contributor on our generation

Anonymous said...

Socrates..Because he is the one who's ideas and approach remains strong in providing a foundation for much followed western philosophy.


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