Saturday, May 3, 2008


Everybody is agog about Entrecard. Everybody is striving hard to earn credits in order to advertise. Those sites who are popular and have very high visiting rates have prohibitive Entrecard advertising rates. Rates can go as high as 6,000 credits to as low as 8 credits for a 125 x 125 pixel ad on a blog site. It is very effective since blog hopping can be done by just a click of the mouse and you can blog hop to as many blogs as you want who carry an Entrecard widget. Others use Entrecard as their main vehicle to blog hop and can earn as much as 200 credits a day.

I use a combination of Blog Catalog and Entrecard to blog hop as they beautifully compliment each other. I advertise only to low rates blog sites since I have accumulated just more than 2,000 credits. I earn credits from the credits paid by advertisers to my sites and from the drops I make on other sites and the drops made by others to my site. When will this craze end? Ask me another question since I really do not know the answer. Right now, Entrecard is already fully overloaded and traffic from site to site has considerably slowed down. And there are numerous instances of outages. What will they think of next?

Tags: Entrecard, SEOs, Blog, Blog Hopping, Blog Catalog, Advertise, Credits


Anonymous said...

please check out my 2nd blog. i tagged you.

Anonymous said...

mel, thanks! i checked out my statistics and you brought a lot of people to my site when you agreed to post my entrecard on your blog.

Anonymous said...

I dont bother about the points on my entrecard.. I just leave it there and let it go by itself.. I try to visit blogs on my widget daily if I can, on each of my blog.. Speaking of Entrecard you my featured link for today..

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Hi Pia,
I know that you tagged me, I'm just trying to fit it in my blogs. The tag is like a remake of Bruce Almighty. We know it can never happen. But I will see how I can fit it in my blog's themes. Thanks my friend. God bless.

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Hi Pia,
You're welcome. You have another one in my waiting list, but it has to go through it's scheduled time since those who were ahead of you were already complaining. I suggest you also advertise to lower priced ads. You can view them all at the campaign section of Entrecard. Mine is already prohibitive. You might not have enough credits to advertise on my blog. But I know it's worth it because I get an average of close to a hundred visitors at my Points of View blog everyday. Look at my Entrecard favorites and you will get the cheapest ads in Entrecard and they are well placed and visible too. Thanks my friend and God bless you always.

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Hi Ester,
Thanks for your valuable pointers. I must admit I learned so much from you. I am enjoying advertising in your ads since they are still cheap but I know they will be expensive later on. Thanks so much my friend. God bless you always.

Anonymous said...

Fortunately, it looks like Entrecard is back up and functioning pretty well now, so it seems that the recent outage has simply given us a one-day vacation from our dropping routines. For me this was a welcome break because I managed to log in shortly after the site came back online and was able to scoop up some relatively inexpensive advertising deals.


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"TO LIVE IN ORDER TO PLEASE GOD" (1 Thessalonians 4:1)

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." (1 Corinthians 10:31)


Points of View (Discussion Blog)

This is your blog. I ask the question, you supply the answers. You can give your points of view on the topics discussed here.