How Do We Solve The Ballooning Population Problem Of The Philippines And Other Third World Countries?
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Points of View (Discussion Blog)
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How do we solve? For me, I believe the government should invest in educating the Filipino people seriously on the proper context of conception within the boundary of marriage.Implementing bills such as RH bill would not help at all, it will just encourage immorality and more irresponsible mating.
The ballooning of population in the Philippines is not only caused on lack of discipline by two or three poor Filipino family.But more also on the result of pregnancy out of wedlock.
The government should instead think of livelihood programs that would truly cater the needs of the poor.
And best of all,Let us pray for our Leaders and the leaders in the 3rd world country, that they may turn and obey God,and that God will find favor in their lives and heal the land. I remember a passage in the bible that says, The success of the nations depends on their leaders.God bless:-)
eewws..thats hard,,hehe.i have no idea mel:) thats really a problem that seems we are forced to deal with it..hehe!
Hi Yen,
I got your point of view and I respect them. Suffice it to say that there is always a solution to every problem. Thanks for your visit and honest comment. God bless you always.
Hi teJan,
Yes, that's a big problem that is very hard to solve. But we must solve it, otherwise our government budget will just be a drop in a bucket while trying to deliver basic social services to the poor. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you all always.
have a law that says two child policy. if one goes beyond, they will pay more taxes. just like in china, only it's a one child policy. and the government should strictly implement the law.
you know bro, i have a lot to say about the people, the catholic church and others but i guess this is not the right venue for that. but really, everything boils down to discipline and strict implementation of laws. sometimes i think the philippines needs someone like "hitler".
Hi sis Pia,
I think that law will never pass here kasi matigas ang ulo nang mga Pinoy. Let's leave the church out of this since I have many Catholic friends who might get offended. I don't think we need a Hitler here. We must just have a true spiritual revival here in our country so people will do what is just and right. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
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