All commercial bloggers are agog over the different Search Engine Optimization (SEO's) outfits proliferating the blog world. Each one promises maximum traffic for those who will patronize their outfit. Let us review some of them since we cannot use all of these SEO's anyway.
1) EntreCard- It is the hottest craze among serious commercial bloggers nowadays. You will just click the widget on the blogger's sidebar and you are transported to the blog site of the one who advertised. You score one credit when you click on another blogger's widget and you also get one credit if they did the same to you. You also earn credits from those who advertise to you. You can use these credits to advertise on other blogs.
2) BlogCatalog - It also uses clicks to blog hop from one blog to another. The picture or caricature of the blog hopper appears on the widget at the blogger's sidebar that he visited.
3) MyBlogLog - It is similar to BlogCatalog where the blog hopper's picture or caricature appears on the widget at the sidebar of the blog he visited.
4) Stumble Upon - You use a browser at your tool bar section to browse on members' blogs and you give your rating on the blog whether you approve or reject the previewed blog.
5) Link Referral - You visit a minimum of 30 blogs a day, review 5 blog sites a day, rate a favorite and participate in a forum discussion to be able to place highly at their ratings board.
6) Technoratti Favorites - You include the names of your favorite blog sites in your Technoratti profile. You can also ping them so that their authority rating will increase. Technoratti also provides blog ratings to all active blogs.
7) Fuel My Blog - You rate the blogs that you review and give your favorable rating by fueling their blog.
8) Site Hoppin - Very similar to EntreCard where you can blog hop using your beer credits. You can also transact business deals using beer credits.
9) Bumpzee - A community based blogger's friendship groupings very similar to Blog Catalog and MyBlogLog.
10) Diggs - A ratings outfit that rates every post that a member blogger makes.
Other friendship and link organizations are:
a) Friendster
b) Facebook
c) Hoover
d) Twitter
e) My Space
f) Site Meter
g) Link2Blogs
h) Going Up
i) Add This.com
Me? I concentrate only on three SEO's- BlogCatalog, EntreCard and MyBlogLog. How about you?
Tags: SEO, EntreCard, BlogCatalog, MyBlogLog, Stumble Upon, Link Referral, Technoratti, Fuel My Blog, Site Hoppin, Bumpzee, Diggs, Friendster, Facebook, Hoover, Twitter, MySpace, SiteMeter, Link2Blogs, Going Up, Add This.com
My blog as for now is not a commercial blog,thus I don't allow any adverts and don't sign any commercial agreement for the post(PPP), neither do google ads.Although it's not a commercial blog but I do have Technoratti favorites and my bloglog, just for fun...I love the widget! :)
hi mel =)
entrecard works best for me. Though I've been using it for some time, I am only beginning to maximize it now. I also do link referral sometimes and I am also trying site hoppin. i'll see if it makes any difference on my hits.
Hi Noushjy,
Yes, actually this post is for commercial bloggers. But I do appreciate your giving your point of view on this. Thanks so much my dear beautiful friend. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Wendy,
Yes, EntreCard is the hottest craze as far as SEO is concerned. Thanks so much for dropping on my EntreCard. I really appreciate that. God bless.
Your information is updated regarding SEO. I would summarize it to be "linking" the lifeblood of blogsites as well websites. If we dont link and nobody links on blogs and websites , these would be useless. We need readers and bloggers to see and comment on our blog. With the googles policy on linking, its against linking for the purpose of mere popularity but i think this is the practise that i observe on the blogosphere. That is why i am wondering if there were blogsites that were locked because of these. My blogsite was locked , i just dont know if its about linking for the sake of popularity and not related to the content of the blog.
Hi Rodaflip,
I am not that well verse with regards to linking. I just made this post so that I can make use of the tags on these very popular terms for possible linkages. I am still familiarizing myself with the system. If I don't succeed financially, it is still okay with me since I am able to ventilate my messages to a ready audience. Thanks so much for your visit and comments. God bless.
same as yours. =D thanks for introducing me to entrecard and blogcatalog.
I try my best to maximized my time whenever I am on the internet.. Through my observation, BlogCatalog and Mybloglog has been a great source of traffic and most of the list on my blogroll came from this social networks... Entrecard is a great way to boost the morale of new blogs with regards to traffic and a good chance to meet new online friends..
Digg has been always been a good way to reach a good index position on the searcg engine since Diggs is being crawled by the Search Engines on a daily basis.. It's worth the time to submit your original Article.
Hi Pia,
Have you noticed that both our ads are appearing in our blog sites? we can help each other by clicking the ads from both sites alternately. We can go back and forth so many times since it is an advertisement and we can maximize the drops we can earn from both ads. Your two ads were actually at the bottom of my waiting list. I just approved one of your ads so that you can appear immediately in my ad widget. I have to approve the others after your first or they might complain already. Thanks for your visit and hope you will earn more credits. Go to the campaign section of Entrecard and look for low rate ads but before you advertise on them, see first where their ads appear. If they appear on the lower section of their sidebars forget about them. They will give you no credits. There are low rate ads with good vantage points in the sidebars. Advertise on them. My site has become prohibitive already and cost 128 credits. I only advertise at 8 and 16 credits and seldom on a 32 credit ads. Use wisdom in choosing where to advertise. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Tey,
Thanks for the information. You are really miles ahead of me when it comes to these SEOs. I concentrate on Blog Catalog and Entrecard. I have not yet tried Diggs. Will study how it works. Thanks again for the inputs. God bless.
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