All commercial bloggers are agog over the different Search Engine Optimization (SEO's) outfits proliferating the blog world. Each one promises maximum traffic for those who will patronize their outfit. Let us review some of them since we cannot use all of these SEO's anyway.
1) EntreCard- It is the hottest craze among serious commercial bloggers nowadays. You will just click the widget on the blogger's sidebar and you are transported to the blog site of the one who advertised. You score one credit when you click on another blogger's widget and you also get one credit if they did the same to you. You also earn credits from those who advertise to you. You can use these credits to advertise on other blogs.
2) BlogCatalog - It also uses clicks to blog hop from one blog to another. The picture or caricature of the blog hopper appears on the widget at the blogger's sidebar that he visited.
3) MyBlogLog - It is similar to BlogCatalog where the blog hopper's picture or caricature appears on the widget at the sidebar of the blog he visited.
4) Stumble Upon - You use a browser at your tool bar section to browse on members' blogs and you give your rating on the blog whether you approve or reject the previewed blog.
5) Link Referral - You visit a minimum of 30 blogs a day, review 5 blog sites a day, rate a favorite and participate in a forum discussion to be able to place highly at their ratings board.
6) Technoratti Favorites - You include the names of your favorite blog sites in your Technoratti profile. You can also ping them so that their authority rating will increase. Technoratti also provides blog ratings to all active blogs.
7) Fuel My Blog - You rate the blogs that you review and give your favorable rating by fueling their blog.
8) Site Hoppin - Very similar to EntreCard where you can blog hop using your beer credits. You can also transact business deals using beer credits.
9) Bumpzee - A community based blogger's friendship groupings very similar to Blog Catalog and MyBlogLog.
10) Diggs - A ratings outfit that rates every post that a member blogger makes.
Other friendship and link organizations are:
a) Friendster
b) Facebook
c) Hoover
d) Twitter
e) My Space
f) Site Meter
g) Link2Blogs
h) Going Up
i) Add This.com
Me? I concentrate only on three SEO's- BlogCatalog, EntreCard and MyBlogLog. How about you?
Tags: SEO, EntreCard, BlogCatalog, MyBlogLog, Stumble Upon, Link Referral, Technoratti, Fuel My Blog, Site Hoppin, Bumpzee, Diggs, Friendster, Facebook, Hoover, Twitter, MySpace, SiteMeter, Link2Blogs, Going Up, Add This.com