Do you think the extreme weather conditions we are experiencing are caused by global warming? How are you personally affected by these erratic and extreme weather conditions?
What is your greatest fear in life? How does it affect your behavior in life? Please explain your answer.
Tags: Fear, Phobia, Fear of People, Fear of Rejection, Fear of Crowds, Fear of Heights, Fear of the Future, Fear of Uncertainties, Fear of Being Alone, Fear of Being Unloved, Fear of The Light, Fear of The Night, Fear of Shadows, Fear of Being Loved, Fear of Betrayal, Fear of Punishment, Fear of Being Discovered, Fear of Retribution, Fear of Failure, Fear of Strangers, Fear of Being Manipulated, Fear of Deception, Fear of Death, Fear of Loneliness
What is the saddest moment in your life? Please explain its circumstances and how it affected your life.
Tags: Saddest Moment, Life, Death, Betrayal, Loss of Friendship, Loss of Innocence, Incest, Rape, Separation, Drug Abuse, Loss of Face, Loss of Dignity, Disease, Excruciating Pain, Impending Death, Euthanasia, Hidden Guilt, Hidden Crime, Separation From God, Ridicule, Oppression, Discrimination, Slavery, Bigotry, Hatred, Shame, Disorientation, Hoplessness, Despair, Ennui, Boredom