Did you ever encounter a near death experience where you almost died? Explain the circumstances. What lesson/s did you derive from it? Please explain your answer.
Tags: Near Death, Portal of Death, Beyond This World, Other World, Other Dimension, Dying, Light, Tunnel, Guides, Predecessors, Knowledge, Time, Beyond Imagination, Colorful, Vividness, Freedom, No Limitations
Do you still remember your first kiss? Who and when was your first kiss? Could you explain the circumstances of that first kiss? Did it leave a lasting impression on you? Please explain your answer.
Tags: First Kiss, Youth, First Love, Teen Years, First Date, Wonderful World, Rose Colored Glass, Magic, Heart, Sensation, Thrill, Longing, Embrace, Missing, Love Letters, Love, Head Over Heels, Crazy
If you were given the chance, what places and famous landmarks on earth do you want to visit? Please explain your answer.
Tags: Sphinx, Pyramids, Taj Mahal, Statue of Liberty, Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, Great Wall of China, St. Peter Square, Kremlin, Stone Henge, Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, Mt. Everest, Mt. Fuji, Mt. Kilimanjaro, Lourdes, Fatima, London Bridge, Disneyland, Hollywood, Yellowstone National Park, Great Barrier Reef
If you were given the chance to live your life all over again, what changes would you want to make in your present life and why? Please explain your answer.
Do you believe in the existence of Satanic cults whose main aim is to propagate the worship of Satan and the spread of evil in the world? Please explain your answer.